Dachi (da-chee) - Stance
Zenkutsu dachi (zen-ku-tsu da-chee) - Front stance
Kokutsu dachi (ko-ku-tsu da-chee) - Back stance
Kiba dachi (kee-ba da-chee) - Horse Stance
Fudo dachi (foo-do da-chee) - Immovable stance
Areas of the body
Jodan (jo-dan) - Upper level
Chudan (choo-dan) - Middle level
Gedan (gae-dan) - Lower level
Punches and hand techniques
Tsuki (zu-kee) - Punch
Choku tsuki (cho-ku-zu-kee) - Straight punch
Oi tsuki (oee zu-kee) - Stepping punch
Gyaku tsuki (gya-ku zu-kee) - Reverse punch
Ura tsuki (oo-ra zu-kee) - Close punch
Kizami tsuki (kee-zamy zu-kee) - Front hand punch
Morote tsuki (mo-ro-tay zu-kee) - Double hand punch
Tate tsuki (ta-tay zu-kee) - Vertical fist
Kicks and leg techniques
Geri (ge-ree) - Kick
Mae geri (my ge-ree) - Front kick
Yoko geri kekomi (yo-ko ge-ree ke-ko-mee) - Side thrust kick
Yoko geri keage (yo-ko ge-ree kay-a-gee) - Side snap kick
Mawashi geri (ma-wa-she ge-ree) - Round house kick
Ushiro geri (u-she-ro ge-ree) - Back kick
Tobi geri (toh-bee ge-ree) - Jumping kick
Ren geri (ren ge-ree) - Combination kicking
Ashi Barai (ah-she bah-rye) - Foot sweep
Uke (oo-kay) - Block
Age uke (ah-gae oo-kay) - Rising block
Soto uke (soh-toe oo-kay) - Outside block
Uchi ude uke (oo-chee oo-day oo-kay) - Inside block
Gedan barai (gae-dan bah-rye) - Downward / Sweeping block
Shuto uke (shoo-toh oo-kay) - Knife hand block
Striking points
Shuto (shoo-toh) - Knife hand
Empi (em-pee) - Elbow
Tetsui (tet-tsue-ee) - Hammer fist
Nukite (noo-key-teh) - finger strike
Kakato (kah-kah-toe) - Heel
Sokuto (soh-koo-toe) - Knife edge of foot
Koshi (ko-she) - Ball of foot
Hittsui (hit-tsue-ee) - Knee strike
Karate form
Kihon (kee-hohn) - Basic movements
Kata (ka-tah) - Basic form
Kumite (koo-me-teh) - Sparring
Sparring forms
Gohon kumite (goh-hohn koo-mee-teh) - Five Attack Sparring
Sambon kumite (sahn-bohn koo-mee-teh) - Three Attack Sparring
Ippon kumite (eep-pone koo-mee-teh) - One Attack Sparring
Jiyu Ippon Kumite (jee-yoo eep-pone koo-mee-teh) - Semi Free Sparring
Jiyu Kumite (Jee-yoo koo-me-teh) - Free Style Sparring
Dojo (doe-joe) - Training hall
Sensei (sehn-seh-ee) - Instructor
Rei (reh-ee) - Bow
Osu (oss) - Dojo greeting / I understand
Kamae (kah-mah-eh) - Fighting posture
Waza (wha-zah) - Technique
Hajime (hah-jee-may) - Begin
Yoi (yoh-ee) - Ready position
Yame (yah-mah-eh) - Stop
Naore (en-oy-ray) - Return to starting position
Yasume (yah-soo-may) - Rest / relax
Ichi (Ee-chee) - One
Ni (Knee) - Two
San (Sahn) - Three
Shi (She) - Four
Go (goh) - Five
Roku (Roh-koo) - Six
Shichi (She-chee) - Seven
Hachi (Ha!-tchee) - Eight
Kyuu (Queue) - Nine
Juu (Joo) - Ten